Hi, I'm Janny

I'm a life coach.

I can help you learn to manage your mind so that you can tap into your inner power and step into the amazing goddess being that you are.








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Bucking the trends and making our own rules in life

As women, we’re conditioned to put others first. We are socialized to follow the rules. Maybe it’s that second career in marketing you want to pursue, but you’re worried what your friends will think. Or you want to take a solo journey around the world, but you’re concerned what your children will think. Or you simply want one day a week away from your family for some me-time, but you feel guilty for wanting some alone time. Or maybe you’ve gained some weight after having children, adding curves to our body, but you’re bombarded with images of women who are dieting and getting liposuction to look a certain way.

The pressure is real. I know it. I feel it!

I’m here to tell you that our brains are wired to focus on the negative and to keep striving for a perfect condition that doesn’t exist. I struggle with perfectionism, but I have found the tools to help manage it. And I want to help other women do the same. We can break free from societal expectations and create rules on our own terms. The revolution starts from within. I can show you how.

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